Monday, August 18, 2014

A Forward and a little info

I put this Blog together for concerned friends and family.

Many of you know that I am generally not a "Blog guy" (putting it mildly), but since I have so many friends and family members and other concerned parties, this seems like the most effective way of getting my promised updates to so many people.

So let me open up with some gratitude.  If you are reading this, it's because you've expressed some concern for my new condition and I forwarded you this link. (That, or for some reason you were net stalking me and stumbled across this.) either way: thank you so much for your concern.  I can't quantify how helpful it has been and how much it has meant to me to have so many people supporting me and generally being in my corner.

As I start this Blog, all I know for sure is that I have a Carcinoma, but not what kind.
I know that there is a chance that they can remove it with Mohs Surgery. (Do not google that for images unless you have a strong stomach).

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